29 september - 1 oktober & 6 - 8 oktober 2016

Hamish Torrie – Director of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) & Global Brand Ambassador

Hamish joined The Glenmorangie Company as International Marketing Manager with the added responsibility of developing the Ardbeg brand – a brand he has been passionately involved in ever since.

As well as playing a leading role in the development of Ardbeg, Hamish has recently taken on the new role of Director of Corporate Social Responsibility, where he has been instrumental in defining the company’s strategy on Sustainable Development and creating new partnerships with external organisations.

As a marketer Hamish brings a wealth of experience, humour and creativity to his role and will happily talk for hours about his favourite subjects; Scotland, Islay – home of Ardbeg and any whisky related subject.

Hamish Torrie
 29 September - OBS Oklickbara provningar kan endast bokas på plats!
Ardbeg - 19.00
Hamish Torrie 
190 kr 
 30 September - OBS Oklickbara provningar kan endast bokas på plats!
Ardbeg - 20.00
Hamish Torrie 
190 kr 
 01 Oktober - OBS Oklickbara provningar kan endast bokas på plats!
Ardbeg - 13.00
Hamish Torrie 
190 kr 
Arrangör: Stockholm Öl & Vin AB, Karlavägen 75b, SE 114 49 Stockholm | +46(0)8-662 94 94 | info@stockholmbeer.se