29 september - 1 oktober & 6 - 8 oktober 2016

Pisco Tasting

Chilean Rodrigo Flores is an Agronomist graduated from the University of La Serena, Chile, and specialized in oenology at the Université Bordeaux - France.

Rodrigo holds an extensive knowledge of the Chilean and European wine culture and its effluents.

As Brand Ambassador for PiscoChile, Rodrigo has conducted several master classes throughout Europe and Latin America, placing special emphasis on this eau de vie’s main characteristics and specificities.

Nowadays supporting the international promotion of Chilean Pisco category and its identity allied to the multi-secular know-how involving the authenticity of the Chile's finest spirit.


Vi kommer att prova 9 olika pisco variantes, bland annat: Torres El Gobernador, Kappa, Lapostolle, Capel, Waqar, Bauza och Malpaso.

Ni får gärna besöka vår monter 122 där vi kommer att presentera flera drinkar med pisco från Chile!

Varmt välkomna.


Rodrigo Flores
 29 September - OBS Oklickbara provningar kan endast bokas på plats!
Pisco Tasting - 17.00
Rodrigo Flores 
190 kr 
 30 September - OBS Oklickbara provningar kan endast bokas på plats!
Pisco Tasting - 16.00
Rodrigo Flores 
190 kr  
 01 Oktober - OBS Oklickbara provningar kan endast bokas på plats!
Pisco Tasting - 12.00
Rodrigo Flores 
190 kr 
Arrangör: Stockholm Öl & Vin AB, Karlavägen 75b, SE 114 49 Stockholm | +46(0)8-662 94 94 | info@stockholmbeer.se